Title: Getting It Out Author: Mary (stillxmyxheart) Beta: Lindsay (rowofstars) Rating: G Genre: Angst, Romance Word Count: 2,002 Characters/Pairings: Jackie, Rose (Jackie/Rose)
Title: The Final Forgiveness Author: Mary (stillxmyxheart) Beta: Lindsay (rowofstars) Rating: G Genre: Fluff, Friendship, Romance Word Count: 2,012 Characters/Pairings: Jackie, Nicholas, Hannah, David, Rose, Haley, Chris (Jackie/Rose)
Title: Full Circle Author: Mary (stillxmyxheart) Beta: Lindsay (rowofstars) Rating: G Genre: Fluff, Friendship, Romance Word Count: 1,730 Characters/Pairings: Jackie, Rose, mentions of Eli and Hannah (Jackie/Rose)